I have always wanted a home birth, but due to previous miscarriages, and other pregnancy complications I was unable, or had been talked out of it with my previous two children. So when I found out I was pregnant with a very unexpected babe on Sept 4, 2020, after the year that shook us all, I wasn't about to be talked out of it again.
My previous deliveries had been hospital births, but they were beautiful, easy, and full of joy. Between the two of them I spent less than 40 minutes in active labor. I was confident going into this third delivery that my experience would be much the same, but even better since I'd be in my own home.
I woke up the morning of May 9 and began having contractions every ten minutes without fail. This lasted until Friday the 14th. It was more annoying than anything, but luckily I've been working remotely so I was able to be home and muscle through it. Somehow, after a week of this I was not convinced I'd be having a baby anytime soon. I wasn't due until the 20th and I was prepared to go overdue. I just had "that feeling."
I immediately got into the water and
it felt so great, but I noticed I was getting very loud during contractions and I was losing the control I previously had.
I woke up at 5:30 Saturday morning to a much different type of contraction. I was hardly able to bear it without waking my fiancé up. Two more contractions and I woke him up and told him that it was a beautiful day for a birthday. And it was. I remember watching the sun rise between my contractions and thinking how gorgeous that pink sky was. I was still feeling confident and controlled, but I knew I was in active labor already. I texted the midwives to let them know and that I'd call them when I needed them around 7. I had my older babies picked up and it seemed like things were really picking up all of a sudden. During one of my harsher contractions my fiancé came to inform me that he had previously "eyeballed" the hose connections and as it turned out, it wouldn't connect to our shower. I wasn't super impressed but he managed to figure it out and get the pool filled using our favorite popcorn bowl. I immediately got in the water and it felt so great, but I noticed I was getting very loud during contractions and I was losing the control I previously had. We texted the midwives to get here, and by 9:20 sweet Kelsey arrived to me screaming like I was being torn limb from limb, and the other midwives arrived shortly after. I was feeling pushy and started pushing right away with counter pressure. I knew instantly this delivery was different. With the others, pushing was a relief. NOT this time. It was hard, and it felt like my body was fighting against me. I lost my dignity and was screaming at everyone. I remember screaming and swatting at my fiancé to get my hair off my back, to hold me just right. Poor guy never said a word, though I'm sure he was thoroughly abused that day. I was screaming and bawling that I couldn't do it. I wanted out of there, and I was scared. So scared that I had made a mistake and I was not strong enough to do this. Kelsey and Jenn D Saved me. They looked me dead in the eyes and said "you are doing it. And you're not going to make it anywhere else. So finish it" or something to that affect. And I somehow gained some superhuman strength and managed to get my biggest baby out; three pounds bigger than my last baby, at 9 lbs 8 oz.
I am so proud that I was able to do it, and so grateful for the unending support of these lovely midwives and my partner.
Sweet baby Harrison Joseph was born May 15, 2021 at 10:23 AM.