June 2019 8#9oz
I decided to go to bed around 11pm on June 14th after two hours of consistent contractions on the birthing ball ranging from 6-13 minutes apart. I’d been having periods of contractions for a week and a half. They’d last for two hours or so and then stop so I figured these contractions were the same. I was hoping they’d keep getting stronger so I was really discouraged when they stopped. I was 40 weeks at that point and pretty uncomfortable and ready for Lukas to be here. I climbed into bed to cuddle with Henrik (big brother) and drifted off to sleep.
I awoke at 1:50am with the most intense contraction I’d felt yet so I sat at the edge of my bed and felt a small gush. I knew my water had broke. I got up to use the restroom and had another contraction just as strong as the first. I decided to wake matt up around 2am to get things ready. I called my mom so she could make her way over to look after Henrik should he wake up and Matt made some coffee for himself. We blew up the birthing pool and started hooking the hose up and getting pots out. I called the midwife (Jenn) to let her know what was happening and she told us to keep her informed and let her know when the contractions get stronger, etc.
My mom showed up just as Henrik was waking up from all the commotion. He had gone to bed early the night before thank goodness! At that point my contractions were increasing in intensity so Matt texted Jenn again letting her know that things were progressing. By that time, I was laboring in bed and trying to rest in between contractions. Brooke arrived first and then I got into the birthing pool. I lost track of time but remember Jenn and Jennifer arriving. Jennifer then had to leave to attend another birth and Theresa arrived (although I don’t remember her getting there).
I was trying to think of all of my birth affirmations in my head with each contraction but honestly, all I wanted to do was scream with each contraction. I labored in the pool alone because I didn’t want to be touched and Matt knew that. I’m not sure what time it was but Jenn had come into the room and I had a feeling that I needed to have a bowel movement. I thought I should get out and go but then I felt the need to push. I no sooner started to tell Jenn that I felt I needed to push and my body started taking over and pushing. Before I knew it, everyone was in the room. Matt getting me cold towels, Theresa listening with the Doppler, Brooke assisting and Jenn behind me just waiting and applying counter pressure.
It felt like it went by so fast to me but at the same time I felt like I was pushing forever with no progress. I was making progress with each contraction though. Jenn told me I could reach down and feel my baby’s head, so I did. That was reassuring and motivated me to keep going (even though I yelled “I can’t do this” what felt like a million times). With each contraction I involuntarily growled and yelled until finally I felt his head come out followed very closely by the rest of his body. I felt such relief that I forgot I could reach down and grab him until Jenn told me I could as she passed him through my legs. I turned and sat in the water as I pulled him to my chest.
He was so serene and calm and only let out little whimpers here and there. Born at 5:03am weighing 8lbs 9oz and 20.5 inches long breathing on his own with no complications covered in vernix with a true knot in his cord. We had achieved our perfect home birth that we had been dreaming of! A short while later my placenta was delivered without incident and Matt was able to cut the umbilical cord after it was done pulsating.
After handing him off to Matt and cleaning up a bit, I was able to crawl into my own bed where I nursed my youngest son for the first time and held him skin to skin. Henrik was there the whole time (mostly in another room) and really loved being present for the birth of his brother. He did so well and having him there helped comfort my nerves and anxiety in so many ways.
THE most perfect home birth. I wouldn’t change a thing!
Can you see the knot in the cord?!