Thursday, August 19th, 2021
I was awakened around 4am with a pretty strong contraction but I brushed it off and went back to sleep.
I continued to wake up every 20 minutes or so with contractions but it didn’t really register to me that I was in labor as I was half asleep each time. I knew Matt’s alarm was going off at 5am, which I usually wake up for as well, so I had every intention on telling him about these “cramps” I was having just so he was aware that he could get a call at work to come home. I woke up around 515am, and somehow Matt had already left for work. I went to the bathroom and noticed some spotting and also had another contraction. At that point, it finally clicked that I could possibly be in labor and having my baby today!
I immediately called Matt and told him that I was pretty sure the baby would be coming today. He had just arrived at work so he said he would get his employees going for the day and come home. Not wanting to be alone (because my previous labors have gone so fast) I called my mom who was on-call to come keep Henrik and Lukas busy. I told her I was pretty sure that today was the day so she got dressed and headed my way. In the quiet of my home, as I waited for everyone to arrive and waited for the day to begin, I checked on my sleeping boys and thought, they’re going to become big brothers today; Henrik for the second time. Then I let the dog out and stood in the morning air, fed him his breakfast, put my hair up and breathed my way through inconsistent but painful contractions.
Mom showed up pretty quickly and we chatted. Matt showed up back home shortly after mom got there. Mom went to get bagels which sounded delicious and I helped myself to one. Then I ordered groceries… I had planned to get groceries anyway and had next to no food in the house so it was a necessity. Thank goodness for Shipt. Matt texted the midwives to let them know what was happening and how things were going. I was having contractions anywhere from 5-16 minutes and even went 34 minutes in between contractions at one point.
I remember thinking, ‘Dang it, labor is fizzling out. Maybe it won’t be today.’
I was moving between the bed and bathroom, stretching and moving with each contraction and resting as much as possible. At that point, I had already been in labor much longer than my previous labors and knew I needed the rest to make it through. I began nipple stimulation in an attempt to get my contractions regular.
Contractions became more regular and stronger so Matt contacted the midwives to let them know.
We decided it was best they head our way. Matt began filling the birthing pool and I got in. Lukas, being the water-loving kiddo that he is thought the pool was for him and came in to splash here and there. Henrik kept his distance but definitely kept an eye on things. Jenn and Kelsey arrived, listened to baby and, began setting things up. Jennifer came shortly after. I moved and moaned with each contraction as they grew stronger and closer together even crying out, growling, roaring, swearing and, saying ‘I can’t do this!’.
I went from feeling like I was going to be laboring all day to feeling like I needed to push.
I pushed for about 3 minutes, I could feel my water break during one of those pushes and a short moment later, with Matt quietly holding my hand, Frederick Scott was born. I reached down to pull him up out of the water and Jenn and Kelsey quickly freed his cord that was wrapped around his belly. I sat back and pulled him to my chest, feeling the relief that I had done it! Freddie was slow to realize he was out in this world, quiet and alert, even had a breath given to him as a precaution but he was here and healthy.