
March 24 5 pounds 3 ounces 18 inches long

For being my first pregnancy there was a lot I was unsure of. At the beginning I was receiving care at an obgyn office from a provider who made me feel small and discouraged. I knew after a few visits, it wasn’t what I wanted for us. I didn’t give up hope searching for the right place. I knew I had to advocate for the best care. Which we ended up finding through the Midwives at West Michigan midwifery. We heard from close friends who also went to them about their experience and I knew that that’s exactly what we were looking for. Personalized care from a dedicated team focused on empowerment and education. As a first time mom I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. 

After 41 long weeks, it was time. I remember the night before going into labor I felt a sense of clarity and calmness. That next morning you were ready to make your appearance.  Things were slowly progressing up until mid afternoon. That’s when I knew it was time to call Jen and the team of women (Kelsey and Ashley) who helped me bring you into this world. Your dad and I were so excited for you to be here. 

Everything at home was perfect. Labor was intense but I knew I could do it. I never gave in to the pain or pressure. I knew that you were so close to being here and all I could picture was holding you. I kept repeating, I got this and I can do this. With the support of your father, his crushed hand, the encouragement of the midwives, an hour of pushing, you made your arrival. Your cry melted my heart and being able to hold you for the first time was the happiest moment of my life.

You don’t know it yet but you are my strength, my rock, my world, my fighter and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Wynnter you are my everything. 

Not even 24 hours after you were born I was admitted to the hospital with postpartum preeclampsia. Your dad and I spent the next 48 hours in absolute misery. Between the nursing staff, IV medications and severe lack of sleep, the only thing that got us through was having you by our side. Although it’d been a very long and exhausting couple of days, I was so glad you were finally here. 

I knew postpartum was going to hard and an adjustment but wasn’t prepared for the days to come.

After being released from metro on Sunday morning, Sunday night happened and it was the scariest night of our lives. While watching a movie we had Wynnter swaddle next to us while she was sleeping. We went to wake her for her feeding and she was having shallow breaths and fell unresponsive in Tims arms. Panic set in and we called 911 and had just about every first responder in Allegan county in our living room and up and down the street. One of the ambulances hit a deer and smashed their whole front end and they still got there within minutes. We were able to get her crying and awake and we took off to Helen Devos with Dad following behind.

After all the labs were drawn and a ct scan, we were admitted to the NICU. She was diagnosed with RSV and rhino virus (common cold) and another respiratory virus. 3 viruses. She was put on antibiotics right away and was monitored very closely for the next 36 hours. After the 36 hours passed they got the lab results with no signs of infection, she was taken off the IV’s. We are so proud of all the progress she’s made and how hard she’s been fighting off the viruses.

After a very long first week of life, we were able to find some peace at home. We couldn’t have done it without the continued support from the midwives. It’s been 6 weeks since and we are thriving. Wynnter continues to grow and fill our hearts with so much love.


Paisley June


Sylvia Brynn